Become a Sponsor

Join us in Taipei as a 2021 Rotary International Convention Sponsor!

Interested in sponsorship? There are many different ways that you can sponsor this event, which is anticipating 50,000 attendees from nearly 150 countries. We are hoping for the largest Convention ever.
While we customize sponsorships and promotions to meet your objectives and extend your reach, all sponsors enjoy exclusive benefits and promotional rights that raise your brand visibility with an influential and international audience.

The benefits can include:

  • Recognition in convention materials
  • Recognition on the convention website
  • Exhibit space within the House of Friendship exhibit and entertainment hall
  • Complimentary attendance for the convention and special events
  • Opportunities to create custom campaigns to support Rotary’s causes

As a local business or retailer, highlight your business to attendees as a sponsor. The five day gathering features renowned speakers, education seminars, exhibits, entertainment and special events. Learn more about the convention by reviewing our Sponsor Brochure.

Please contact us via our contact form to share your ideas and discuss with us what form of sponsorship is best suited to you and your company’s goals.